Why you should love your photographer...

On your wedding day you will be spending about 85-90% of your entire day with your photographer by your side. They will be guiding you through every step of the day! You want someone there you trust, who is organized, and who you can have fun with!

When you love your photographer and get along with them really well you can let your guard down around them. You can crack silly jokes and laugh and have fun! In doing so, you end up with not only amazing and genuine photos, but you'll have an even better experience!

When you've taken the time to get to know the person photographing you, they will know and understand your specific needs and wants. They will know the best way to capture you and bring out your best smiles, laughs, and natural emotions. Plus who doesn't love making new friends?!

Meet Joni

October 3, 2017

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Hi there!

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I am a fun-loving, easy going natural light photographer from Salem, Oregon. I am so IN LOVE with photography and hanging out with fun people in gorgeous places. I want to bring out the most natural and beautiful you! The best way to bring that out is for you to feel completely comfortable around me. It can be a little nerve wracking stepping in front of someone’s camera, especially if you don’t know them. 

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Get to know me…

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  • My husband, Anthony, and I have been together for 10 years. We are a blended family with 4 amazing kids and we have two lazy, fluffy kitties – Jack + Charlie!


  • I’m obsessed with The Office, Parks and Rec, and Friends. I have them in constant rotation. No one will play Friends Trivia with us because we always win. Haha!


  • I have a serious sweet tooth! Lemon meringue pie and Ferrero Rocher chocolates are my most favorite!


  • I’m not ashamed to admit that I don’t like coffee – but I’ll take any flavor of chai as long as it’s made with almond milk.


  • I once hated Harry Potter and Twilight just because it was so popular and I refused to get sucked into liking something just because everyone else did. But then my husband finally wore me down and made me watch them all with him and I’m now obsessed!


  • I love giving back though my business. I once held a free senior portrait session day for foster kids that included hair and make up and pizza. I have also hosted several mini session events where all proceeds were donated to local battered women’s shelters and the children’s ministries within our church. It feels amazing to be a part of something bigger than myself!

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My Why

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My why is all about emotion and connection. Moments are fleeting and you can’t get those back. Being able to capture moments and the emotion for others that they can look back and treasure for generations to come is such a blessing. Like the father seeing his daughter in her dress for the first time as she dabs the tears from his face. But then sometimes life happens and you lose someone. Photos are absolutely priceless. I lost my mom to cancer in 2019 and have realized now more than ever that it’s better to have too many photos than not enough. I wish I had taken the opportunity to get more photos with my mom because that’s all I have of her. It’s given me a bigger appreciation for life and to seize opportunities. She was my biggest fan and I will continue to strive to make her proud and do what makes me happy. Photography gives me such a feeling of purpose and passion that I can’t explain. I have also built so many irreplaceable relationships through my business and now have so many amazing friends in my life that started out as clients. They have filled and enriched my life in so many ways. I love and appreciate each one of them!

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get in touch!

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