February 5, 2021
It’s not often I get to shoot on gorgeous private property and this session was a dream! I wasn’t sure what to expect not having been out to this part of Turner before but I love shooting in new places. The Flager home instantly greeted me with tall, purple wildflowers that surrounded their front and back yard. Their view from their backyard took my breath away. It was so open with lots of rolling hills in the distance. We couldn’t have picked a better time of day either! That early evening soft sunlight was PERFECT!
This sweet family was not just having a family session, but using this special occasion to announce they had another on the way! After getting some great announcement photos in their cute custom made shirts, their little girl went straight for their blueberry bushes they had growing right there in the back yard. She ran around this entire session and you could tell this little girl was fearless and loved being outside! My favorite part of this whole Turner session was when she would play the “Come Get Me” game and I’d chase her around, with camera in hand of course. She would let out a little scream and giggle as her little legs ran circles around me haha!
I had a blast with this gorgeous family. They seriously look like they belong in a magazine! Their outfits were the perfect colors for this stunning setting and the light was amazing. The tiny cowgirl boots were the best! I am so happy for them and their new little addition coming soon!

Love this session? Check out this expectant family session at Willamette Mission State Park! https://joniloraine.me/2021/02/05/the-gray-family-at-willamette-mission-state-park/
