Addie + Charlie: Just a Girl and Her Kitty

September 22, 2020

Unconditional love. That’s what I think of when I see Addie and Charlie together. Just a girl and her kitty. It was shortly after we brought him home that he decided Addie was his person. He attached himself to her and it is the cutest and most heartwarming thing to watch!

We adopted Charlie and Jack from our local humane society about 3 years ago. Charlie was 3 years old at the time and Jack was 6. Charlie was previously a stray before someone found him and brought him to the humane society. He willingly walked right into their carrier! Right when we saw Charlie, we knew we wanted him. He loves to play but he’s also very mellow most of the time. And boy does he love his girl!

Charlie will follow Addie around the house all day! No matter which room she’s in, usually, he’s there with her. When she’s sick, it’s like he can tell she’s unwell and he refuses to leave her side. When we got that awful call a couple years ago that Addie broke her arm at school, we had to take her to a specialist to have a cast put on. Charlie loved on her so much during that time when she was scared and in pain!

Addie is the only person Charlie will let carry around like a baby! She takes such good care of him, even though sometimes while she carts him around making baby talk at him, he gets this look on his face. It’s like he doesn’t understand why he lets her do this but it’s also a look of “Oh right, because I love her.” Whether she’s reading, coloring, playing, sleeping, sick, or just lounging around, Charlie is right there with her in all his crazy hilarious position! They are the dynamic duo! I love that I never know how I will find them but knowing it’s always going to be something cute that has me running for my phone or camera!

You should see Charlie when Addie leaves for a sleepover. He doesn’t know what to do with himself! He just sadly wanders the house looking for her! I am so grateful Addie has a furry best friend that loves her unconditionally and is always right there to make her laugh and bring her such joy. Their bond is the sweetest!! Just a girl and her kitty.

Did this give you all the heartwarming feelings? Take a look at my oldest daughter, Arika, and her 8th grade graduation! My first baby is moving on to high school!


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