Vanessa + Everett: An Engagement Session at Graham Oaks Nature Park

June 19, 2023

I had never been to Graham Oaks Nature Park before this session and I honestly cannot tell you why. One of my favorite things is branching out and trying new locations and this one suggested by Vanessa and Everett was EPIC! Unbelievably stunning. Vast Pacific Northwest gold! I was taken back by not only how gorgeous this location was but our timing as well as all the wildflowers were in bloom!

Preparation Pays Off!

Vanessa and Everett came prepared! They read through my style guide and took my advice on how to prep for the session and it paid off! It was so cute when Vanessa told me she had to go get her ring cleaned because Joni said so in her style guide advice! It touches my heart when my couples trust me and are willing to step out of their comfort zone during a session. Having your photo taken can get the nerves going. But trust me when I tell you the nerves subside after the first few minutes and we will have FUN! I loved Vanessa and Everett’s mindset going into this session. You only get to do this once, so why not make the absolute most of it. Don’t rush through it. There’s no need to hurry through just to get it done. Plan ahead, make thoughtful outfit choices, then relax and enjoy this time! And that’s exactly what we did.

We had a blast! We wandered all over the gorgeous Graham Oaks Nature Park in Wilsonville. I would have to say my favorite spot though, other than all the wildflowers, was this incredible oak tree! I mean, how gigantic and beautiful is this tree?? Everett was also so attentive to Vanessa, fixing her hair and adjusting her outfit, leaving gentle kisses on her temple. He was just the sweetest to her and I am so happy that they found each other. Their wedding at Ainsworth House and Gardens next year is going to be incredible!

Love the gorgeous Pacific Northwest? You’ll love Amy and Josiah’s Washington engagement session!


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